Gilley, Jerry.

The Manager as Coach. - 1 online resource (152 pages) - The Manager as ... . - The Manager as ... .

Intro -- Contents -- Publisher's Note -- 1 Introduction to Performance Coaching -- 2 Nature of Performance Coaching -- 3 Roles and Responsibilities of Performance Coaches -- 4 Competencies of Performance Coaches -- 5 The Performance Coaching and Management Process -- 6 Practices in the Performance Coaching and Management Process -- 7 Performance Coaching Success Inventory -- 8 Resources -- Notes -- Index -- A -- B -- C -- D -- E -- F -- G -- H -- I -- J -- L -- M -- O -- P -- Q -- R -- S -- T -- U -- W.

"Jerry Gilley and Ann Gilley focus on performance coaching and describe how a manager plays that particular role. They define its nature and purposes, and detail the roles and responsibilities of types of coaches: trainers, strategists, performance appraisers, and career advisors. Important skills, practices, and the process of coaching are then detailed. Some checklists and forms are included." - Reference & Research Book News.


Employee motivation.
Employees -- Coaching of.
Supervision of employees.

Electronic books.

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