Grief Therapy with Latinos : Integrating Culture for Clinicians.
Material type: TextPublisher: New York : Springer Publishing Company, 2011Copyright date: ©2011Description: 1 online resource (317 pages)Content type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceISBN: 9780826106605Subject(s): Cultural competence -- United States | Grief therapy -- United States | Hispanic Americans -- Mental health services -- United StatesGenre/Form: Electronic books.Additional physical formats: Print version:: Grief Therapy with Latinos : Integrating Culture for CliniciansDDC classification: 616.89/140089968073 LOC classification: RC455.4.L67 -- V39 2011ebOnline resources: Click to ViewIntro -- Grief Therapy with Latinos -- Grief Therapy with Latinos -- Contents -- Preface -- Introduction -- Acknowledgments -- Grief Therapy with Latinos -- The Latino Experience of Grief -- Differences and Similarities -- Theoretical Models of Grief -- Cultural Competence in Grief Therapy -- The ¿Porqué? Concept -- Definition of Relevant Concepts -- A Framework for Grief Therapy with Latinos -- Cultural Values -- Acculturation -- Immigration -- Socioeconomic Status -- Generations -- Language -- Aims of this Book -- Generic Model of Assessment for Grieving Latinos -- Assessment of Cultural Values -- Assessment of Acculturation -- Assessment of Immigration History -- Assessment of Language -- Specific Assessment of Grief Feelings -- References -- Cultural Manifestations in the Clinical Assessment of Denial -- Cultural Values as Barriers or Facilitators -- Clinical Application -- &italic -- Marianismo&/italic -- : The Dutiful Wife versus the Helpful Soul Mate -- Case Illustration&sol -- Formulation -- Clinical Formulation&sol -- Application -- &italic -- Machismo&/italic -- : Male Pride versus the Acceptance of a Child -- Case Illustration&sol -- Formulation -- Social Prejudices: Parents who Stereotype versus Parents who Accept -- Case Illustration&sol -- Formulation -- Techniques to Assess Denial in Grief Therapy: From the General to the Specific -- Recognition of the Cultural Unknown in Self and Others -- Exploring Diverse Cultural Perspectives -- Clinical Formulation&sol -- Application -- Exploring the Presenting Problem within a Cultural Perspective -- Exploring Cultural Values Relevant to the Presenting Problem -- Exploring Grief from a Cultural Perspective -- Case Illustration Formulation -- Clinical Formulation&sol -- Application -- Psychodynamic Approaches: Self-Discovery of Strengths and Weaknesses in Cultural Values -- References.
The Culturally Competent Treatment of Anger in Bereavement -- Cultural Competence Associated with the Expression of Anger -- Working with Anger: A Narrative Approach -- Assessing Specific Cultural Values and their Relationship to Anger -- Orgullo (Pride) and Anger -- Case Illustration/Formulation -- Clinical Formulation/Application -- Simpatia -- Culture-Specific Techniques in Dealing with Anger -- Working with Marianismo, Familismo, and Orgullo -- Case Illustration/Formulation -- Clinical Formulation/Application -- Working with Anger in the Healing Process -- Empathy with a Cultural Understanding -- Application of Empathy to Cultural Losses in the Grief Process -- Clinical Formulation/Application -- Case Illustration/Formulation -- Clinical Application -- Recurrent Themes in Work with the Angry Patient: Responses to ¿Porqué? -- Guilt and Shame -- Self-blame and Anger -- Overwhelming Duties -- Abandonment and Loneliness -- Memories -- References -- Coping with Depression During Grief -- Differentiation Between Depression and Grief -- Application of Cultural Competence Work in Depression -- Assessing Depression -- Assessing Acculturation -- Assessing Somatization -- Relationship of Depression to Gender-Specific Values -- &italic -- Marianismo&/italic -- -- Case Illustration&sol -- Formulation -- Clinical Formulation&sol -- Application -- &italic -- Machismo&/italic -- -- Case Illustration&sol -- Formulation -- Treatment Techniques: Psychodynamic, Supportive, and Psychoeducational -- Outline placeholder -- Case Illustration&sol -- Formulation -- Clinical Formulation&sol -- Application -- Medication -- Somatization and Isolation -- The Symbolic Representation -- Helpful&sol -- Unhelpful Cultural Values in Responding to ¿Porqué? -- References -- The Spirituality&sol -- Religious Component in Latino Grief.
Manifestations of Spirituality and Religion in Latino Grief -- Clinical Interventions -- Assessment Methods and Techniques -- Intervention Skills Competence -- Interpersonal Assessment -- Countertransferential Issues Applied -- Theoretical Orientation -- Case Illustration&sol -- Formulation -- Clinical Formulation&sol -- Application -- Cultural versus Pathological Spirituality -- Outline placeholder -- Case Illustration&sol -- Formulation -- Clinical Formulation&sol -- Application -- Applying Spirituality in Responding to ¿Porqué? -- References -- Stillbirths, Miscarriages, Abortions, and Sudden Infant Death -- Emotional and Psychological Aspects of Miscarriages and Stillbirths -- Disenfranchised Grief -- The Cultural Context -- The Acculturation Factor -- Dealing with Abortions -- Sudden and Unexpected Infant&sol -- Child Death -- Clinical Interventions -- Co-Creating a Cultural Space in the Therapeutic Room -- Case Illustration&sol -- Formulation -- Clinical Formulation -- Countertransferential Issues -- Clinical Application -- Applying Cultural Lenses -- Multiplicity -- Case Illustration&sol -- Formulation -- Clinical Formulation&sol -- Application -- The Excluded Griever -- Case Illustration&sol -- Formulation -- Clinical Formulation&sol -- Application -- Case Illustration&sol -- Formulation&sol -- Application -- References -- The Psychological Impact of Sudden, Unanticipated Losses -- Latino Culture Specifics -- Working with Stigma -- Suicidal Deaths -- Homicidal Deaths -- Posttraumatic Stress Disorders -- Operationalization of Cultural Variables During Grief -- Familismo -- Case Illustration&sol -- Formulation&sol -- Application -- Marianismo -- &italic -- Fatalismo&/italic -- : Curse on the Family -- Inner Conflicts and their Relationship to Culture -- Language Issues -- The &italic -- Orgullo&/italic -- Component -- Working with Shame.
Modalities of Treatment -- Exploring Traumatic Memories -- References -- Grieving and Health -- The Latino&sol -- Hispanic Paradox -- Prevalence and Rates of Medical Illnesses in the Latino Population -- Anticipatory Grief Related to Illness -- The Immigrant Plight -- Specifics of the Treatment Process -- Somatization -- Culture and Language -- Case Illustration&sol -- Formulation -- Clinical Applications -- Understanding the Use of Homeopathic Medicine -- Case Illustration&sol -- Formulation -- Interactions of Values with the System -- Balancing Cultural Beliefs within the Treatment -- Fatalism -- Personalism -- Pursuing Health and Healing when the Patient Asks ¿Porqué? -- References -- Conflicts and their Resolutions in the Grieving Family -- Latinos in Grief and Family Support -- Outline placeholder -- Case Illustration&sol -- Formulation&sol -- Application -- Accepting Differences in the Grief Process of Family Members -- Outline placeholder -- Case Illustration&sol -- Formulation -- Clinical Formulations&sol -- Applications -- Case Illustration&sol -- Formulation -- Clinical Formulations -- Case Illustration&sol -- Formulation -- Differences in Coping Styles -- Clinical Formulations -- Case Illustration&sol -- Formulation&sol -- Application -- Clinical Interventions -- Constructivist&sol -- Narrative Therapeutic Interventions in Grief Therapy -- Case Illustration&sol -- Formulation -- Clinical Formulation&sol -- Clinical Application -- Family-Focused Grief Therapy (FFGT) -- Resilience and the FALL Model -- References -- Grief Across Differences -- Biracial&sol -- Bicultural Families -- Outline placeholder -- Case Illustration&sol -- Formulation -- Clinical Formulation&sol -- Application -- Case Illustration&sol -- Formulation -- Adoptive Families and Grief -- Outline placeholder -- Case Illustration&sol -- Formulation -- Clinical Formulation&sol.
Application -- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transsexual Grieving Individuals -- Outline placeholder -- Case Illustration&sol -- Formulation -- Ritual Adherence and Cultural Differences -- Treatment Techniques Suited for Latinos in Grief -- Clinician Self-awareness -- Case Illustration&sol -- Formulation -- Awareness of Cultural Differences -- Case Illustration&sol -- Formulation -- Therapeutic Properties of Rituals -- Therapeutic Narratives and Storytelling -- Transformational Reminiscence -- Case Illustration&sol -- Formulation -- Clinical Formulation&sol -- Application -- References -- Index.
This book serves as both a graduate textbook and clinical reference that helps in the understanding of relevant cultural values and their effect on the grieving process. Grief Therapy with Latinos also addresses the application of specific interventions in a culturally appropriate manner, including the importance of language in grief therapy, psychology, and counseling with a Latino population. The main focus of this book is to identify underlying pathologies, depressions, or anxieties that could have existed before, and the relevance of the cultural components that can interfere with the adaption to and the resolution of grief. Written in three parts-specific cultural and psychological components of Latino grief, the many faces of grief, and grief within the family context-each part demonstrates a clear hands-on approach to how to respond to Latino patients and addresses aspects universally related to grief and psychological points of view. Key features:.: Addresses culturally specific and diverse narratives of loss to illustrate cultural revelations in the grief process and the clinical assessment of denial and spirituality; Discusses the relevance of language in the expression of grief, assessment, and treatment; Presents clear and easy-to-read grief therapy approaches and methods; Includes adaptations of traditional psychotherapeutic techniques, incorporating relevant cultural values.
Description based on publisher supplied metadata and other sources.
Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest Ebook Central, 2018. Available via World Wide Web. Access may be limited to ProQuest Ebook Central affiliated libraries.
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