Culturally Responsive Counseling with Latinas/os.

By: Arredondo, PatriciaContributor(s): Gallardo-Cooper, Maritza | Delgado-Romero, Edward A | Zapata., Angela LMaterial type: TextTextPublisher: Somerset : American Counseling Association, 2014Copyright date: ©2014Edition: 1st edDescription: 1 online resource (300 pages)Content type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceISBN: 9781119026631Subject(s): Hispanic Americans -- Economic conditions | Hispanic Americans -- Population | Hispanic Americans -- Social conditionsGenre/Form: Electronic books.Additional physical formats: Print version:: Culturally Responsive Counseling with Latinas/osDDC classification: 305.86 LOC classification: E184.S75 -- .C85 2014ebOnline resources: Click to View
Culturally Responsive Counseling With Latinas/os -- Table of Contents -- Preface -- About the Authors -- Chapter 1: Who Are Latinos? -- Objectives -- Sabías que/Did you know that . . . -- Case Scenario -- Framing the Data -- National Origin Reporting -- National Geographic Data -- Regional Growth -- Gender and Age -- Implications of Population Growth -- Fertility and Motherhood -- English Proficiency -- Citizenship -- Latinos in the Military -- Latino Health and Health Risks -- Latino Immigrants -- Historic Events That Made Latinas/os Foreigners on Their Own Land -- Contemporary Demographics -- Children of Unauthorized Immigrants -- Immigrant-Related Terminology and Legal Positions -- Concluding Thoughts -- Chapter 2: Latino Worldviews and Cultural Values -- Objectives -- Sabías que/Did you know that . . . -- Case Scenario -- Latino Value Orientations and Worldview -- The Mestizo/Latino Polyculture -- The Latino Multicultural Worldview -- La Familia -- Respeto, Obligación, y Lealtad (Respect, Obligation, and Loyalty) -- Gender Socialization -- Marianismo -- Latinas on the Margins -- Case Scenario -- Machismo y Caballerismo -- Case Scenario -- Summary -- Religion and Spirituality -- Indigenous Healers and Practices -- Indigenous Healers and Practices -- Case Scenario -- Latinos and Religion Today -- Concluding Thoughts -- Chapter 3: Acculturation and Enculturation Processes -- Objectives -- Sabías que/Did you know that . . . -- Acculturation Models and Process es -- Case Scenario -- Perspectives on the Acculturation Process -- Assessing Accultur ation -- Acculturative Stress -- Acculturative Stress With New Experiences -- Case Scenario -- Concluding Thoughts -- Chapter 4: The Complexity of Latina/o Multidimensional Identity -- Objectives -- Sabías que/Did you know that . . . -- Case Scenario -- Latina/o Identity.
Culturally Sensitive Identity Models -- Self-Referent Labels and Identities -- LatiNegra/o or Afro-Latinas/os -- Mexicans -- Puerto Ricans -- Cubans -- Dominicans -- Central Americans -- South Americans -- Racial Identification -- Case Scenario -- Gender and Sexual Identities -- Religion/Spirituality -- Socioeconomic Status and Poverty -- Concluding Thoughts -- Chapter 5: Education -- Objectives -- Sabías que/Did you know that . . . -- Case Scenario -- Latinos and Education in the United States -- Teachers and Counselor Educators -- Preschool -- Elementary School -- Middle School -- High School -- College -- Graduate School -- Case Scenario -- Latino Faculty -- Community Educational Engagement and Social Change -- Concluding Thoughts -- Chapter 6: Employment, Economics, and the Psychology of Working -- Objectives -- Sabías que/Did you know that . . . -- Case Scenario -- The American Dream -- A Historical Perspective -- Latinos as Chief Executive Offi cers and in Senior Government Positions -- Latinos and the Labor Movement -- The Latino Workforce -- Occupational Categories and Industries -- Industry Sectors -- Case Scenario -- Hardships for Workers -- Occupational Health and Safety -- Earnings, Poverty, and Health Insurance -- The Demographics of Job Recovery -- Entrepreneurship and Business Ownership -- Latinos as Consumers -- Case Scenario -- Latinos and Taxes -- Physical and Mental Health Stress ors -- The Psychology of Working -- Workplace Barriers -- Case Scenario Analysis -- Concluding Thoughts -- Chapter 7: Situational Stressors and Their Effects -- Objectives -- Sabías que/Did you know that . . . -- Case Scenario -- Overview -- Racism and Colorism -- Stress -- Classism and Poverty as Stressors -- Lack of Health Care Access as a Stressor -- Legislative Impediments as Stressors -- Negative Societal Portrayals of Latinos -- Hate Crimes.
Psychological Stressors -- Workplace Stressors -- Acculturative Stress -- The Justice System and Latinos -- Models of Resilience -- Concluding Thoughts -- Chapter 8: La Familia Latina: Strengths and Transformations -- Objectives -- Sabías que/Did you know that . . . -- Case Scenario -- Framing the Context -- Family Values and Cultural Orientations -- Latino Family Life Cycles -- Changes in Family Structures -- Latino Families With Children With Disabilities -- Case Scenario -- Coping Strategies -- Perspectives on Latino Parenting -- Parental Expectations -- Gender Role Socialization -- Parenting Styles -- Family Support: Abuelos, Extended Family, and Compadrazco -- Latino Family-Centered Th erapeutic Strategies -- Identify the Presenting Problem -- Assess La Familia -- Understand Immigrant Families -- Examine Acculturation Processes -- Explore the Power Differential -- Promote Ethnic Socialization, Ethnic Pride, and Ethnic Identity -- Reinforce Native Language Development -- Support Biculturalism -- Address Discrimination and Racism -- Consider Language Preference in Therapy -- Facilitate Home-School Collaboration -- Concluding Thoughts -- Chapter 9: Planning for Culture-Centered Assessment and Practice -- Objectives -- Sabías que/Did you know that . . . -- Case Scenario -- Assessment -- Diagnostic Guidelines -- Interviews -- Acculturation Considerations -- Considerations of Language Use -- Family Functioning -- Case Scenario -- Family Therapy Tools -- Latino Values in Relationship Building -- Acculturation -- Language -- Logistics -- Therapist Skills and Comfort Level -- Latino-Sensitive Counseling Compet encies -- Evidence-Based Treatment Models -- Relationship-Building Factors -- Concluding Thoughts -- Chapter 10: Latinas/os in Counseling -- Objectives -- Sabías que/Did you know that . . . -- Case Scenario -- Latino-Sensitive Counseling Frameworks.
The Utilization of Dynamic Multidimensional Perspectives -- The Integration of Culture and Therapeutic Structures -- The Application of Strengths-Based Models -- The Consideration of Situational and Contextual Interpretations -- Spirituality and Healing Practices -- Parallels Between Healing Practices and Counseling -- Alternative Cultural Healing Beliefs -- Linguistic Manifestations of Spirituality -- Christianity-Based Interventions -- Avoiding Addressing Spirituality in Counseling -- Social Justice Directives -- Counselor Advocacy -- Concluding Thoughts -- Chapter 11: Ethics and Organizational Cultural Competencies -- Objectives -- Sabías que/Did you know that . . . -- Case Scenario -- Ethics -- American Counseling Association (ACA) -- American Psychological Association (APA) -- Other Professional Associations -- Other Training Resources -- Concluding Thoughts -- Case Scenario -- Chapter 12: The Future of Latina/o-Centered Counseling -- Objectives -- Sabías que/Did you know that . . . -- Case Scenario -- Reasons for Latina/o-Centered Counseling -- Training -- Examples of Culturally Relevant Training Programs -- Research -- Context -- Underlying Assumptions -- Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) and Research -- Teaching -- Culturally Relevant Supervision -- Continuing Education -- Service -- Equity in the Mental Health Workplace -- International Aspect s of Counseling -- Considerations for Various Sett ings: Knowledge Matters -- Knowledge Points for School Personnel -- Knowledge Points for Counselors in College Settings -- Knowledge Points for Counselor Educators -- Knowledge Points for Community Counselors and Administrators -- Knowledge Points for Counselors Working With Military Personnel and Veterans -- Knowledge Points for Counselors in Private Practice -- Concluding Thoughts -- Appendix A: Culture-Centered Clinical Interview-Revised.
Appendix B: Latino Mental Health Resources -- References -- Index -- Technical Support -- End User License Agreement.
Summary: This book provides culture-centered assessment and intervention strategies for effective clinical practice with Latina/o individuals and families. Mental health professionals will gain new and expanded cultural competence as they learn to sensitively and ethically integrate Latino values into their work. Throughout the text, case scenarios illustrate ways to work successfully with clients of all ages. A sample culture-centered clinical interview is included, along with a listing of Latino-specific mental health resources. Topics discussed include roles, relationships, and expectations in Latino families; cultural and bicultural values; gender role socialization; generational differences; identity and acculturation issues; educational values and achievement; Latinas/os in the workforce; and religious beliefs and practices.
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Culturally Responsive Counseling With Latinas/os -- Table of Contents -- Preface -- About the Authors -- Chapter 1: Who Are Latinos? -- Objectives -- Sabías que/Did you know that . . . -- Case Scenario -- Framing the Data -- National Origin Reporting -- National Geographic Data -- Regional Growth -- Gender and Age -- Implications of Population Growth -- Fertility and Motherhood -- English Proficiency -- Citizenship -- Latinos in the Military -- Latino Health and Health Risks -- Latino Immigrants -- Historic Events That Made Latinas/os Foreigners on Their Own Land -- Contemporary Demographics -- Children of Unauthorized Immigrants -- Immigrant-Related Terminology and Legal Positions -- Concluding Thoughts -- Chapter 2: Latino Worldviews and Cultural Values -- Objectives -- Sabías que/Did you know that . . . -- Case Scenario -- Latino Value Orientations and Worldview -- The Mestizo/Latino Polyculture -- The Latino Multicultural Worldview -- La Familia -- Respeto, Obligación, y Lealtad (Respect, Obligation, and Loyalty) -- Gender Socialization -- Marianismo -- Latinas on the Margins -- Case Scenario -- Machismo y Caballerismo -- Case Scenario -- Summary -- Religion and Spirituality -- Indigenous Healers and Practices -- Indigenous Healers and Practices -- Case Scenario -- Latinos and Religion Today -- Concluding Thoughts -- Chapter 3: Acculturation and Enculturation Processes -- Objectives -- Sabías que/Did you know that . . . -- Acculturation Models and Process es -- Case Scenario -- Perspectives on the Acculturation Process -- Assessing Accultur ation -- Acculturative Stress -- Acculturative Stress With New Experiences -- Case Scenario -- Concluding Thoughts -- Chapter 4: The Complexity of Latina/o Multidimensional Identity -- Objectives -- Sabías que/Did you know that . . . -- Case Scenario -- Latina/o Identity.

Culturally Sensitive Identity Models -- Self-Referent Labels and Identities -- LatiNegra/o or Afro-Latinas/os -- Mexicans -- Puerto Ricans -- Cubans -- Dominicans -- Central Americans -- South Americans -- Racial Identification -- Case Scenario -- Gender and Sexual Identities -- Religion/Spirituality -- Socioeconomic Status and Poverty -- Concluding Thoughts -- Chapter 5: Education -- Objectives -- Sabías que/Did you know that . . . -- Case Scenario -- Latinos and Education in the United States -- Teachers and Counselor Educators -- Preschool -- Elementary School -- Middle School -- High School -- College -- Graduate School -- Case Scenario -- Latino Faculty -- Community Educational Engagement and Social Change -- Concluding Thoughts -- Chapter 6: Employment, Economics, and the Psychology of Working -- Objectives -- Sabías que/Did you know that . . . -- Case Scenario -- The American Dream -- A Historical Perspective -- Latinos as Chief Executive Offi cers and in Senior Government Positions -- Latinos and the Labor Movement -- The Latino Workforce -- Occupational Categories and Industries -- Industry Sectors -- Case Scenario -- Hardships for Workers -- Occupational Health and Safety -- Earnings, Poverty, and Health Insurance -- The Demographics of Job Recovery -- Entrepreneurship and Business Ownership -- Latinos as Consumers -- Case Scenario -- Latinos and Taxes -- Physical and Mental Health Stress ors -- The Psychology of Working -- Workplace Barriers -- Case Scenario Analysis -- Concluding Thoughts -- Chapter 7: Situational Stressors and Their Effects -- Objectives -- Sabías que/Did you know that . . . -- Case Scenario -- Overview -- Racism and Colorism -- Stress -- Classism and Poverty as Stressors -- Lack of Health Care Access as a Stressor -- Legislative Impediments as Stressors -- Negative Societal Portrayals of Latinos -- Hate Crimes.

Psychological Stressors -- Workplace Stressors -- Acculturative Stress -- The Justice System and Latinos -- Models of Resilience -- Concluding Thoughts -- Chapter 8: La Familia Latina: Strengths and Transformations -- Objectives -- Sabías que/Did you know that . . . -- Case Scenario -- Framing the Context -- Family Values and Cultural Orientations -- Latino Family Life Cycles -- Changes in Family Structures -- Latino Families With Children With Disabilities -- Case Scenario -- Coping Strategies -- Perspectives on Latino Parenting -- Parental Expectations -- Gender Role Socialization -- Parenting Styles -- Family Support: Abuelos, Extended Family, and Compadrazco -- Latino Family-Centered Th erapeutic Strategies -- Identify the Presenting Problem -- Assess La Familia -- Understand Immigrant Families -- Examine Acculturation Processes -- Explore the Power Differential -- Promote Ethnic Socialization, Ethnic Pride, and Ethnic Identity -- Reinforce Native Language Development -- Support Biculturalism -- Address Discrimination and Racism -- Consider Language Preference in Therapy -- Facilitate Home-School Collaboration -- Concluding Thoughts -- Chapter 9: Planning for Culture-Centered Assessment and Practice -- Objectives -- Sabías que/Did you know that . . . -- Case Scenario -- Assessment -- Diagnostic Guidelines -- Interviews -- Acculturation Considerations -- Considerations of Language Use -- Family Functioning -- Case Scenario -- Family Therapy Tools -- Latino Values in Relationship Building -- Acculturation -- Language -- Logistics -- Therapist Skills and Comfort Level -- Latino-Sensitive Counseling Compet encies -- Evidence-Based Treatment Models -- Relationship-Building Factors -- Concluding Thoughts -- Chapter 10: Latinas/os in Counseling -- Objectives -- Sabías que/Did you know that . . . -- Case Scenario -- Latino-Sensitive Counseling Frameworks.

The Utilization of Dynamic Multidimensional Perspectives -- The Integration of Culture and Therapeutic Structures -- The Application of Strengths-Based Models -- The Consideration of Situational and Contextual Interpretations -- Spirituality and Healing Practices -- Parallels Between Healing Practices and Counseling -- Alternative Cultural Healing Beliefs -- Linguistic Manifestations of Spirituality -- Christianity-Based Interventions -- Avoiding Addressing Spirituality in Counseling -- Social Justice Directives -- Counselor Advocacy -- Concluding Thoughts -- Chapter 11: Ethics and Organizational Cultural Competencies -- Objectives -- Sabías que/Did you know that . . . -- Case Scenario -- Ethics -- American Counseling Association (ACA) -- American Psychological Association (APA) -- Other Professional Associations -- Other Training Resources -- Concluding Thoughts -- Case Scenario -- Chapter 12: The Future of Latina/o-Centered Counseling -- Objectives -- Sabías que/Did you know that . . . -- Case Scenario -- Reasons for Latina/o-Centered Counseling -- Training -- Examples of Culturally Relevant Training Programs -- Research -- Context -- Underlying Assumptions -- Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) and Research -- Teaching -- Culturally Relevant Supervision -- Continuing Education -- Service -- Equity in the Mental Health Workplace -- International Aspect s of Counseling -- Considerations for Various Sett ings: Knowledge Matters -- Knowledge Points for School Personnel -- Knowledge Points for Counselors in College Settings -- Knowledge Points for Counselor Educators -- Knowledge Points for Community Counselors and Administrators -- Knowledge Points for Counselors Working With Military Personnel and Veterans -- Knowledge Points for Counselors in Private Practice -- Concluding Thoughts -- Appendix A: Culture-Centered Clinical Interview-Revised.

Appendix B: Latino Mental Health Resources -- References -- Index -- Technical Support -- End User License Agreement.

This book provides culture-centered assessment and intervention strategies for effective clinical practice with Latina/o individuals and families. Mental health professionals will gain new and expanded cultural competence as they learn to sensitively and ethically integrate Latino values into their work. Throughout the text, case scenarios illustrate ways to work successfully with clients of all ages. A sample culture-centered clinical interview is included, along with a listing of Latino-specific mental health resources. Topics discussed include roles, relationships, and expectations in Latino families; cultural and bicultural values; gender role socialization; generational differences; identity and acculturation issues; educational values and achievement; Latinas/os in the workforce; and religious beliefs and practices.

Description based on publisher supplied metadata and other sources.

Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest Ebook Central, 2018. Available via World Wide Web. Access may be limited to ProQuest Ebook Central affiliated libraries.

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