Williams, Veda.

Plone 3 Theming. - 1st ed. - 1 online resource (340 pages)

Intro -- Plone 3 Theming -- Table of Contents -- Plone 3 Theming -- Credits -- About the Author -- About the Reviewers -- Preface -- What this book covers -- What you need for this book -- Conventions -- Reader feedback -- Customer support -- Downloading the example code for the book -- Errata -- Piracy -- Questions -- 1. Theming Plone 3: An Overview -- Background -- What is Plone, really? -- Technical overview -- Books about Plone -- Theming and other CMS frameworks -- The evolution of skinning for Plone -- Summary -- 2. Skinner's Toolkit -- Graphic design tools -- Adobe Photoshop -- Adobe Fireworks -- GIMP -- Browser add-ons and important notes -- Internet Explorer -- Firefox -- Firefox Web Developer extension -- Firebug extension -- YSlow -- Colorzilla -- Safari tools -- Safari Web Inspector -- Validation tools -- Text editors -- TextMate -- CSS Edit -- E Text Editor -- Notepad -- WordPad -- Dreamweaver -- Summary -- 3. Setting up your Development Environment -- Buildout and you -- Understanding the terminology -- Setting up your development environment -- Subversion for version control -- Download Plone -- Macintosh dependencies for the Unified Installer -- Windows dependencies for the Unified Installer -- Operating system agnostic dependencies -- Buildout: The Plone filestructure -- Summary -- 4. Create and Install a Theme Product -- Generating your theme product using paster -- Available templates -- Generating your product -- Filestructure of a plone3_theme product -- Adding your theme product to your buildout -- Starting Zope and installing your product on a Plone site -- Creating a Plone site -- Installing your Plone theme -- Putting your site into debug mode -- Summary -- 5. Making Manual (TTW) Changes or What Not to Do -- Prerequisites -- What this chapter will not cover -- Registering and installing a new theme. Register the filesystem directory view -- Make the directory view available to portal_skins -- Install your theme product -- General guidelines during development -- About a theme product's architecture -- Changing your site via CMF action categories -- Document actions category -- Site actions category -- Folder buttons category -- Object category -- Object buttons category -- Portal tabs category -- User category -- About GenericSetup -- Base profile -- Extension profiles -- An example extension profile -- Taking snapshots -- Export profile -- Import profile -- Moving portal_actions configurations into a filesystem product -- Skin layer customization, the old-fashioned way -- Using the portal_skins tool -- Changing base_properties -- Modifying images using the custom folder -- Extracting items from the custom folder -- Using stylesheets and the CSS resource registry tool -- Common conventions for using stylesheets in Plone -- Overriding base Plone stylesheets -- DTML support -- Location of files and controlling bloat -- Adding new stylesheets -- Starting with CSS in the ZMI -- Creating a theme-specific stylesheet in your filesystem product -- Working with JavaScripts in your theme product -- Summary -- 6. Working with Zope 3 Components -- About the architecture -- Introduction to ZCML -- Zope 3 browser layers and resources -- Using images as browser resources -- Using stylesheets as browser resources -- Browser pages -- Create a Python class for our browser page -- Add the interface for our browser page -- Registering our browser page -- Create a page template for our view -- Write the GenericSetup steps to create the new CMF action category -- Register the viewlet in your theme product -- Enable the browser page -- Summary -- 7. Customizing Viewlets and Portlets -- Viewlets -- Class-based versus template-based viewlets. Registering viewlets in a viewlet manager -- Reordering viewlets within a viewlet manager -- Showing, hiding, and unhiding viewlets within a viewlet manager -- Overriding a viewlet template -- Overriding a non-template-based viewlet -- Portlets -- Modifying Plone 3 portlets in a theme product -- Creating a new Zope 3 portlet -- Add the interface for our browser page -- Create a page template for our view -- Write the GenericSetup steps to create the new portlet -- Write the GenericSetup to create a new CMFAction category and actions -- Register the portlet in your theme product -- Enable the portlet -- Using Classic portlets in a theme product -- Using portal_view_customizations -- Summary -- 8. Understanding Zope Page Templates and the Template Attribute Language -- About ZPT -- What does TAL look like in practice? -- About the Template Attribute Language -- tal:attributes statement -- Multiple attributes -- tal:define statement -- How this works in Plone -- tal:condition statement -- How this works in Plone -- tal:content statement -- How this works in Plone -- tal:repeat statement -- How this works in Plone -- tal:replace Statement -- How this works in Plone -- tal:omit-tag statement -- How this works in Plone -- tal:on-error statement -- How this works in Plone -- TAL "structure" expression syntax -- How this works in Plone -- Order of operations -- Built-in names in TALES -- Summary -- 9. Creating, Installing, and Tweaking our Theme -- About the theme -- Creating a theme product -- Altering the theme product's structure -- Renaming the theme -- Shortening folder names -- Adjusting how stylesheets and images are used -- Installing the theme product -- Adjusting web site content to support the design -- Summary -- 10. General Styling and Templating Changes -- Modifying the various sections of the page -- Basic styling -- Changing the logo. Adding a banner image -- Customizing the portal actions -- Adjusting the searchbox display -- Moving the searchbox -- Adjusting the personal bar -- Suppressing the top navigation -- Moving and styling the breadcrumbs -- Base portlet styling -- Adjusting the footer and the colophon -- Altering the navigation -- Summary -- 11. Custom Page Views and Sectional Styling -- Changing the default home page display -- Using CSS styles and the visual editor -- Using a basic page template for a home page view -- Using Python code to render a home page view -- Sectional styling -- Applying Internet Explorer fixes -- Summary -- 12. Add-on Tools and Theming Tips -- Popular add-on Plone products -- Enabling drop downs using webcouturier.dropdownmenu -- Collage -- Tableless styling using Plone Tableless -- CSSManager -- Products.EasyAsPiIE -- collective.skinny -- FS Dump -- qPloneSkinDump -- Collection and static portlets -- Sectional theming -- themetweaker.themeswitcher -- Non-Plone-specific products for theming -- sIFR -- Rules-based theming -- Debugging tools and tips -- GloWorm -- About tracebacks and Pdb (the Python debugger) -- Running more than one operating system at a time -- Summary -- 13. Plone and Multimedia -- Flash integration -- Embedding Flash and other media in a page -- Embedding Flash in a page template -- Plone add-ons for multimedia -- collective.flowplayer -- Slideshow Folder -- Plone4Artists Video -- Other products to watch out for -- Plone4ArtistsAudio -- Plumi -- Summary -- 14. Deploying and Contributing Themes -- Deploying your theme on a server -- Maintaining an orderly deployment -- Documentation -- Configuration -- Quality assurance -- Deploying a theme for public use -- Summary -- 15. The Future of Theming for Plone -- Why a new approach? -- About the future of theming in Plone -- Is XDV ready for serious deployments?. Background and history -- Choosing the appropriate theming approach -- Which one should I use? -- Tools and prerequisites -- Adding XDV to your Plone instance -- Platform notes -- Adding collective.xdv -- Running buildout -- Activating XDV -- Adding the HTML and rule files -- Enabling the theme transform -- Testing that everything works -- How it works -- The rule file -- Rules Overview -- -- Real-world examples -- and -- Real-world examples -- -- -- Real-world example -- Summary -- Index.

Create flexible, powerful, and professional themes for your web site with Plone and basic CSS.


Plone (Computer file).
Web site development.

Electronic books.

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