Simavi, Sevi.

Gender Dimensions of Investment Climate Reform : A Guide for Policy Makers and Practitioners. - 1 online resource (248 pages)

Intro -- Title Page -- Copyright -- Contents -- Foreword -- Acknowledgments -- About the Authors -- Abbreviations -- Introduction and Economic Rationale -- Purpose and Structure of the Guide -- Why Gender Matters in Investment Climate Reform -- 1 Unequal Distribution of Women's Economic Activities -- 2 What Gender Disparity Means for Policy Makers -- 3 Gender-Specific Challenges and Responses in Investment Climate Work -- Notes -- Core Module: Gender-Informed Baseline for Diagnostics, Solution Design, Implementation, and Monitoring and Evaluation -- Summary -- Step 1 Core Diagnostics -- Step 2 Solution Design -- Step 3 Implementation and M&E -- Annex A International Treaties and Commitments -- Annex B Core Module Baseline Indicators and Principal Data Sources -- Annex C Checklist of Key Issues -- Notes -- Module 1: Public-Private Dialogue -- Summary -- Introduction -- What Is PPD and Why Does Gender Matter? -- Step 1 Diagnostic -- Step 2 Solution Design -- Step 3 Implementation and M&E -- Annex A PPD Evaluation Wheel -- Notes -- Module 2: Business Entry and Operations: Registration, Licensing, and Permits -- Summary -- Why Gender Matters -- Step 1 Diagnostics -- Step 2 Solution Design -- Step 3 Implementation and M&E -- Annex A Sample Questionnaire for Business Owners -- Annex B Business Licensing Reform: Application of Standard Cost Model and Compliance Cost Tool -- Annex C Legal Checklist -- Notes -- Module 3: Business Taxation -- Summary -- Why Gender Matters -- Step 1 Diagnostics -- Step 2 Solution Design -- Step 3 Implementation and M&E -- Annex A Tax Policy Checklist -- Annex B Sample Questionnaire for Business Owners -- Notes -- Module 4: Trade Logistics -- Summary -- Why Gender Matters -- Step 1 Diagnostics -- Step 2 Solution Design -- Step 3 Implementation and M&E -- Annex A Sample Questionnaire for Business Owners -- Notes. Module 5: Secured Lending -- Summary -- Why Gender Matters -- Step 1 Diagnostics -- Step 2 Solution Design -- Step 3 Implementation and M&E -- Annex A Checklist of Questions for Commercial Bank and Lending Institution Owners -- Annex B Sample Questionnaire for Business Owners -- Annex C Legal Checklist -- Annex D Capacity Building Checklist -- Notes -- Module 6: Alternative Dispute Resolution -- Summary -- Why Gender Matters -- Step 1 Diagnostics -- Step 2 Solution Design -- Step 3 Implementation and M&E -- Annex A Sample Questionnaire for Business Owners -- Annex B Legal Checklist -- Notes -- Module 7: Special Economic Zones -- Summary -- Why Gender Matters -- Step 1 Diagnostics -- Step 2 Solution Design -- Step 3 Implementation and M&E -- Annex A Legal and Policy Checklist -- Annex B Sample Questionnaire for Employees -- Annex C Institutional Gender Equality Checklist -- Notes -- Module 8: Foreign Investment Policy and Promotion -- Summary -- Why Gender Matters -- Step 1 Diagnostics -- Step 2 Solution Design -- Step 3 Implementation and M&E -- Annex A Institutional Gender Equality Checklist -- Notes -- Bibliography -- Index -- Back cover.

Promoting women's economic empowerment is increasingly seen as one of the most important driving forces behind economic growth and the fight against poverty. Women's economic participation as entrepreneurs, employees, and leaders is recognized as a measure of a country's dynamism and viability.This main goal of this volume is to provide fresh thinking on how to solve common issues women entrepreneurs and employees face in the investment climate area. It presents actionable, practical, replicable, and scalable tools to promote gender-sensitive investment climate reforms that would equally benefit both women and men. Specifically, the book seeks to enable development practitioners and policy makers who are not gender specialists to diagnose gender issues in an investment climate reform area, design creative and practical solutions and recommendations to address gender constraints, and to oversee the effective monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of those recommendations.This guide highlights the economic rationale for gender inclusion in investment climate reform work and outlines the broader overarching framework within which gender-informed investment climate work can take place. It also provides the monitoring and evaluation framework, with particular emphasis on establishing appropriate baselines to facilitate the measurement of gender-informed changes in the business environment. A step-by-step project management process gives the reader specific guidance on key investment climate areas, namely: (i) business start up and operation, (ii) business taxation, (iii) trade logistics, (iv) special economic zones, (v) alternative dispute resolution, (vi) investment policy and promotion and (vii) secured lending.


Investments, Foreign -- Moral and ethical aspects -- Developing countries.
Sex discrimination against women -- Developing countries.
Sex discrimination in employment -- Developing countries.
Women-owned business enterprises -- Developing countries.

Electronic books.

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