Niger Consultations de 2011 au Titre de L'Article IV. [electronic resource] : - Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund, 2012. - 1 online resource (71 p.) - IMF Staff Country Reports; Country Report ; No. 11/357 . - IMF Staff Country Reports; Country Report ; No. 11/357 .

In recent years, the IMF has released a growing number of reports and other documents covering economic and financial developments and trends in member countries. Each report, prepared by a staff team after discussions with government officials, is published at the option of the member country.

1475504047 : 18.00 USD

10.5089/9781475504040.002 doi

Article IV Consultation Reports
Budgetary Policy
Debt Management
Debt Sustainability Analysis
Economic Growth
External Borrowing


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